Medically Reviewed by DR. SATISH CHUNDRU

Forensic consultant explaining paper work to clientIf you’re working on a case with a forensic consultant like Dr. Satish Chundru, you might find that his expertise and services offered can help you with a variety of items related to your lawsuit. To help you better understand how Dr. Chundru can support you from discovery to the final verdict, here’s an explanation of how your work with Dr. Chundru may evolve over time.

A Medical Records Review May Lead to a Partner for Your Lawsuit

Oftentimes, the first step that families take when pursuing a medical malpractice lawsuit is to hire a forensic consultant to perform a medical records review. Serving as an unbiased third party, Dr. Chundru holds these investigations so he can examine all paperwork surrounding your loved one’s care before death, check to see if medical protocol was followed, and look to see if any inconsistencies or errors appear in medical and facility records.

If Dr. Chundru determines that medical malpractice likely occurred, he can work alongside your legal team in the following capacities:

  • Performing a secondary autopsy, which is a review of the initial autopsy reports to see if he comes to different conclusions than the original medical examiner
  • Serving as a medical malpractice expert witness by testifying in your malpractice lawsuit

A Nonfatal Injuries Evaluation May Lead to Dr. Chundru’s Testimony

As a forensic consultant and expert witness, Dr. Chundru not only investigates deaths but serious injuries, too. Dr. Chundru helps prosecutors and defense attorneys by investigating serious injuries to provide details as to how those injuries occurred, and whether any pre-existing conditions contributed to the injury.

This investigation makes Dr. Chundru the perfect witness for your case. Acting as a forensic expert witness, Dr. Chundru can testify about his findings, explaining complicated medical terminology in words that are easy for any judge or jury to understand.

A Secondary Autopsy May Lead to Additional Engagements

Families and attorneys sometimes seek a secondary autopsy if they’re unhappy with the results of a medical examiner’s report, such as if they feel the medical examiner’s findings leave unanswered questions. Using all the data that the original medical examiner compiled, Dr. Chundru will review the information collected during the autopsy and interpret it, sometimes leading to a different conclusion.

If a secondary autopsy raises questions about the validity of the first one, a forensic consultant like Dr. Chundru can then assist a legal team with their case. This may first start with legal consultations, and eventually lead to Dr. Chundru testifying on the witness stand as a forensic expert witness.

Dr. Chundru – A Trusted Forensic Consultant for Your Legal Needs

If you’re looking for a forensic professional to help assist you with investigating a death or serious injury, Dr. Chundru has 20 years of experience investigating serious injuries and deaths, having served about 13 of those years performing autopsies for law enforcement. Now in private practice, Dr. Chundru is available to help legal teams and grieving families worldwide.

To learn more about Dr. Chundru’s forensic services, contact his practice today.